meet sam glenn

For nearly three decades, Sam Glenn’s inspirational and artistic speeches have impacted audiences of all sizes - some audiences as large as 75,000 people at stadium events. Sam has spoken for just about every industry you can imagine. When it comes to attitude - nobody is excluded. Organizations get better when their people get better and it all starts with attitude.

Attitude is the driver of everything and Sam knows exactly how to recharge and rekindle that positive spark that empowers leaders to give, do and be their best. Things weren’t always so picture perfect for Sam. At one time he was homeless, depressed, defeated and negative. It was a chance encounter at a buffet, where Sam accidentally knocked over the legendary Zig Ziglar.

This led to a positive friendship between the two and with Zig’s encouragement, Sam got his life pointed in a better direction. Today Sam Glenn is one of the most recognized and trusted keynote motivational speakers in the speaking industry. He is most notably sought after for his captivating kick off and wrap up general session speeches. Sam’s award winning speeches set a positive and energetic tone that gets audiences engaged and ready to learn, grow and have fun.

Audiences gravitate to his humor, relate to his stories and embrace his relevant ideas for improving their personal and professional life. Sam Glenn has been honored by being named Speaker of the Year on several occasions by meeting and event organizations and won two national awards for his training videos. He is the author of more than 30 books based on his research. Hundreds of organizations use Sam’s videos – weekly to kick off their staff meetings and cultivate positivity in the workplace. Sam’s Motivated by Art © Training has become the new buzz in creating engagement in the workplace. Not only does his creative art bring energy to the walls in any workplace, but the art is used for training purpose to enrich the quality of personal and professional performance.

What makes Sam different than most is he works hard to customize not only a great talk, but something unforgettable that sticks and groups retain for a very long time. We tend to forget things quickly and that is why Sam’s speech is positively unforgettable. Sam weaves his very uplifting story into his topics, which revolve around attitude, empowerment, leadership, peak performance, employee engagement, transformation, customer service and teamwork. Sam Glenn is an expert at igniting personal and professional positivity. Sam’s most rewarding title in life is being called Dad by his three kids and husband by his super awesome wife. They currently reside in Indianapolis. However, Sam is originally from Minnesota.